Word Exploration

This week we have done different activities with our selected word.  First we had to physically cut and paste the word to create specific effects to represent the meaning.  Then we got to use Illustrator to do some more exploration activities.  I learned a few neat tools and tricks in the program to create interesting effects.  For next week we are going even further and adding color to our three favorite designs.

What Language Looks Like

For the beginning of this project, I chose the word withdraw.  The dictionary definitions of this word are as follows:
     -verb (used with object)

  1. to draw back, away, or aside; take back; remove:  She withdrew her hand from his.  He withdrew his savings from the bank.
  2. to retract or recall:  to withdraw an untrue charge.
  3. to cause (a person) to undergo withdrawal from addiction to a substance.
      -verb (used without object)

  1. to go or move back, away, or aside; retire; retreat:  to withdraw from the room.
  2. to remove oneself from some activity, competition, etc.:  He withdrew before I could nominate him.
  3. to cease using or consuming an addictive narcotic (fol. by from):  to withdraw from heroin.
  4. Parliamentary Procedure; to remove an amendment, motion, etc., from consideration.

Understanding Comics

In reading Understanding Comics, I realized that a lot more goes into making a comic than meets the eye.  It is an art form all of it's own and has grown more in depth throughout the years just like any other type of art.
Some main points discussed include:

  • Sight can transfer to all of the senses; how a picture can express and evoke different emotions
  • The use of icons to represent things
  • The more simple an image is, the more people it relates to
  • Humans see ourselves in everything
  • Certain symbols have been universally accepted to represent something specific

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